Sustainably retain customers

Organic olive tree sponsorships

The sustainable gift idea for your customers, employees and business partners

Show your customers, employees and business partners not only that you value them, but at the same time set an example for sustainable action and give away an organic olive tree sponsorship. In the region of Imperia, Organic Farming Italy has about 5,000 organic olive trees available for adoption on 4 farms.

Recent studies show that the desire for sustainability is very important to 67% of people in Europe.

The special of an organic olive tree sponsorship as a gift:

  • the special gift idea
  • Setting an example for modern action
  • completely personalized implementation
  • Own branding possible
  • Calculated in accordance with tax regulations
  • Three high-value customer contacts in 12 months
Organic Farming Italy Sack Oliven


How the olive tree sponsorships work

In all sponsorships of organic olive trees, the recipient receives the sponsorship of an olive tree in the Imperia region of Liguria by the sea for 12 months. The tree gets a wooden plate with the name of the recipient. Pictures and/or videos will be taken of this. In addition, a certificate is created for each sponsorship. This certificate will be personalized with the name of the recipient and, if desired, with the name/logo of the giver. The pictures/videos and certificates will be loaded into Dropbox folder created for each gift recipient.

  • 12 months duration of the sponsorship
  • Wooden sign with personalized text on olive tree
  • Certificate with personalized text and opt. Branding
  • Pictures, videos and certificate in personalized Dropbox folder
  • Opt. gift package with olive oil sample and certificate in wooden frame
  • Opt. delivery of the olive oil to the recipient after the harvest (December)
  • Three high-value customer contacts (gift handover, Udate via video, harvest)
Beispielvideo Olivenbaum Patenschaft

Our sponsorship packages to give away

Choose the package that best suits your purposes or occasions.


Sponsorship "Piccolo regalo

The package „Piccolo regalo“ includes:

  • 12 months sponsorship of an olive tree
  • 1 wooden sign with indiviual name inscription
  • 2 pictures and 1 individual video of adopted tree with wooden shield
  • 1 update per image at mid-term
  • 1 update by picture to harvest the olives

34,99 €

Sponsorship "Grande sorpresa

The package „Grande sorpresa“ includes:

  • 12 months sponsorship of an olive tree
  • 1 wooden sign with indiviual name inscription
  • 2 pictures and 1 individual video of adopted tree with wooden shield
  • 1 Update via video at mid-term
  • 1 bottle, 0.5 l organic extra virgin olive oil from the adopted tree (plus shipping)

49,99 €

Sponsorship "Rapporto speciale

The package „rapporto speciale“ includes:

  • 12 months sponsorship of an olive tree
  • 1 gift package with certificate in wooden frame and olive oil bottle 250 ml (plus shipping costs)
  • 1 wooden sign with indiviual name inscription
  • 2 pictures and 1 individual video of adopted tree with wooden shield
  • 1 Update via video at mid-term
  • 1 bottle, 0.75 l organic extra virgin olive oil from the adopted tree (plus shipping)

99,49 €

Organic Farming Italy Oliven Ernte

100% authenticity

We understand Organic Farming Italy as a task and a challenge at the same time to compete against industrial agriculture and to show that it is also possible to do it organically. To be authentic, with their own hands and organic fertilizer and with a lot of love for the plants.

Organic Farming Italy Oliven am Baum

100% sustainability

Everything on our farms is 100% organic, including the appropriate certificates. And this has been the case for years. On tens of hectares of land there is no trace of chemicals or non-organic substances. The quality of our products thanks us.

100% customer loyalty

With a sponsorship as a gift at Organic Farming Italy you increase your customer or employee loyalty. You have three high-quality positive contacts. When giving the gift, about a status video at the midpoint of the sponsorship and harvest in the fall. You can use this.

We thank for the great cooperation

We are very pleased that some companies have already recognized how meaningful corporate gifts with a lasting effect are. Thank you very much for the very nice and successful cooperation.

Organic Farming Italy - Alpicella

The hill next to the tower "Alpicella" - a relic of the Middle Ages - has been owned by the Navaro family for generations, on more than 7 hectares stretches a vast park directly on the sea. Thus, walking among the organic olive trees, you have an incredible view of the sea to the south and the Maritime Alps to the north. It is a place whose magic inevitably captivates a visitor. Organic Farming Italy.


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+49 151 6596 3737

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+39 338 597 3817